They seem to get more colorful as I progress. I hope that is okay, and the theme can tie them all together.
For this project. I did use a technique that I have never used before. In class, I have always heard of people using alcohol to blend. I figured I should try it this time to see what all the fuss is about, and it turns out its a pretty useful technique. I used it in the first two cards, however, towards the end I decided I like my way better. I tend to use different colors, white and the colorless blender. I’ve done this since highschool, and why change now?
My sponsor and I took a little hiatus with the pool client, however we are back to working on his ideas. These were the first sketches.
He really did like the silohuette however he asked me to remove the net and the sun. He also got more specific on what he wanted. He wants the name of the company in a cool font on the back of the t-shirt, maybe arched and the illustration with some other info. On the front, he just wants a logo over the chest. He was thinking an “e.”
I started with some digital sketches of the back. I figured I should do this first, see what he likes, and then design the front.
On the next page, you can see first I tried a simple arial font and outlined the word “clear.” Then I made it like a wave with a blue-ish “clear.” Then I changed the font to a more “handwritten” font. I really like this style, its sort of new, but not modern. It has really become popular in the last few years. I figured this could be a good solution because my sponsor told me the client was a really laid back cool guy.