This week, for the baseball logo, consisted of more revisions. The client really like the direction we were going in, but he felt that he asked me to put in too many details and wanted to simplify it. My sponsor suggested, playing with a few elements such as font size, simplifying the figures, and getting rid of one, baseball size and line weight.
First I played around with the size of the player and line weight. I also tried some pathfinder tricks and made the outline of the baseball incorporate the batter figure. I tried making the type red instead of outlined and I really think that helped the design A LOT. Just changing that aspect made it really simple.
Then I took simplification to the next level. First I took out the outlines all together and did ball, stripes and text with a red background. I then tried taking out the stripes, and put them back in and took out the player. After this, I took out both elements for the next design, and really simplified it with just baseball and text.
I really like the super simplified versions. The client is on a tight schedule now and needs these Monday, the beginning of week 5. It seems like I have been working on this for an eternity now, but I think it is out of his indecision rather than my execution. We’ll see what he likes.
UH OH! As I am posting this, I just noticed, I have been using a CMYK red, and it is A LOT different on the web than on my Illustrator preview. OOPS! I'll fix when it comes to the final though. :D
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